And there's the long-game wisdom of Bart Giamatti -- the last sentence here strikes deep: "Somehow, the summer seemed to slip by faster this time. Maybe it wasn't this summer, but all the summers that, in this my fortieth summer, slipped by so fast. There comes a time when every summer will have something of autumn about it."

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Aug 17, 2023Liked by chuck mckeever

Today (August 17th) is my birthday...and one I must share with my twin! So August has always been the enigma of Happy Birthday..but summer is ending (and we spent most summers growing up at our camp at the lake!) Then when I became a teacher, anxieties would swell as back to school approached...so now as a retiree it is all happily endless! Good luck to you this year as a teacher...and a student! Hugs...Bev

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That's the cool thing about imposter syndrome, especially in grad school -- everyone's got it! I was in a similar boat, starting grad school at 30, and it was refreshing in a way that's hard to describe, getting back into a world that I left so long ago. It was like having room to breath and explore the world again after years of working in that "real world." That's also what the start of fall feels like. Summers over, let's look at the leaves.

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